This year, our school will be scheduling parent teacher conferences again online! Starting on February 6, 2025 at 7 a.m., you will be able to log into our school scheduling site and select a time to meet with your child’s teacher. The window to register will close on February 11, 2025 at 11:45 p.m. The instructions below outline the process to follow. If you have any questions or do not have internet access, please contact the school office at: 330-534-1921 for help scheduling your child(ren)’s conference.
1: Log into the scheduling site
Hubbard High School:
Hubbard Middle School:
Hubbard Elementary School:
2: Enter your student’s first and last name in the boxes
3: Your password is your child’s student number
4: Click login. Once logged in, you will see a listing of your student’s teachers/classes
5: Click on the schedule button next to the teacher that you would like to schedule a conference with.
6: You will see a listing of times that this teacher has available.
7: Click on an empty circle next to the time you wish to schedule
8: Click the schedule time button at the bottom of the page and you are finished.