A red ribbon

Dear Parents/Guardians/Students,

The week of October 21st - 25th is National Red Ribbon Week. This is a nation-wide recognized week for presenting a drug prevention program, as well as, drug awareness for grades PK-12.  Red Ribbon Week was inspired by the tragic death in 1985 of undercover Drug Enforcement Administration Agent Enrique Camarena at the hands of Mexican drug traffickers.   

To bring awareness to this important cause, Hubbard Middle School will have several activities including theme days for each day of this week.   While we allow the students to break some parts of the dress code, such as hats or other items on certain days, students are not permitted to wear pajamas or extreme clothing that would be distracting to others. 

Monday:  Pajama Day “Go to sleep knowing you are drug free!”

Tuesday:  Hawaiian Day “Let’s Lei Off Drugs!”

Wednesday:  Wear camouflage “Drugs can’t find me!”

Thursday: Rhyme with a friend/Match with a friend  “Pair up against drugs”

Friday: Dress as your favorite decade “Put drugs in the past!”

We want to encourage our students to be healthy and stay DRUG FREE.  Below are 10 Quick Steps for PARENTING FOR PREVENTION:

  1. Talk with your child about alcohol and other drugs.

  2. Learn to really listen to your child.

  3. Help your child feel good about him/herself.

  4. Help your child develop strong values.

  5. Be a good role model or example.

  6. Help your child deal with peer pressure.

  7. Make family rules.

  8. Encourage healthy, creative activities.

  9. Team up with other parents.

  10. Know what to do if you suspect a problem.


Mrs. Komlanc
HMS Student Council Advisor
330-534-1921 ext. 3210